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Khamis, 2 Ogos 2012



Been a while. I'm currently a NEET ( not in education, employment or training). This status doesn't make me happy at all. It was something i'm so scared of from fewa years ago. Currently part timing babysitting my niece. Really wanna get into classess and works, labs so much. Hoping to be in anytime soon. //prays hard//


I never be around baby more than 2 weeks. Never meddle much about taking care of baby. Now i spent about 2 month with my niece. She just turn 3 month old today. I help bathing her everyday, talking to her, and carrying her around. Being with her this long, i'm surely learn a lot. Bcs of her, i even gradually overcome my fear of driving on highway( i know it's a weird one to be scared of drive n highway). Taking care of a child really hard. You can hardly sleep when the baby didn't. A long time sacrifice to grow a child.
:: i can't upload any pic bcs blogspot being mean  >3::


Just know the registration for JLPT December going to open soon. It's really mendokusai to go out just to pay for the test. I'll look up how to pay online. Hope one of my nihon-kyoudai going to take it with me. Even tho we can't study together, but we still can ask if there's anything we don't understand.


It's Ramadan, i ate kuih everyday( karipap to be exact). Found this on tumblr. Let's do our best to complete it. May all of us be bless in this month of barakah.

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