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Rabu, 9 Julai 2014

Note #60 : Car and Trolley

In The Name of Allah, Al-'Aliim

Versi Bahasa Melayu di bawah (skrol ke bawah ye)

I went to Tesco Nilai today. First thing that irked me comes when i was about to park the car. There's a trolley left in parking box. 

When i came out from shopping the groceries, a worse scene appears before my eyes. The trolleys parked in few parking area is increasing. There's one couple that parked their car just next to mine, and next to them was an empty space for car park, and next to it, is the place where we should return the trolley after using it. But the ignorant couple push away the trolley they used, to the empty box. I was stunned by their action. I can't help but to curse their action under my breath. I was fumed already.

I wonder what can i do to let people know that this kind of behavior is the worst, it is small, but important. As a Malaysian, i am ashamed with myself and this nation (for this particular behavior). Too many stupid people can lead to the downfall of the nation. Same goes to the proud snobbish people. Living this life, one must have consideration toward others. There's always rudeness everywhere, a lot in fact.

I am not condemning, i am complaining. I am not know-it-all person, but I know we can learn and share the knowledge, I may not be all polite, but i know basic politeness and common sense. Don't let our grandchildren blame us later for our ignorance now. Get a brain..

Malay version

Saya ke tesco nilai pagi ni. Sampai2 je dah rasa marah bila nak letak kereta. Mana x nya, bersepah troli dalam petak letak kereta. 

Masa balik lagi teruk, makin banyak pulak troli2 kat beberapa petak letak kereta. Masa saya pulangkan troli nampak satu pasangan ni keluar dari beli barang. depa letak kete kat sebelan petak kosong, sebelah yg kosong tu pula tempat letak troli. Bila diorg dah siap isi barang2 dalam kereta, terus si perempuan tolak troli ke petak kosong tadi. Padahal guna sikit je ATP ADP ke apebenda tenaga dalam badan tu dah boleh letak troli kat tempatnya. Selangkah dua je. Tapi masalah tingkah laku x sopan, xbuat la camtu. 

Kalau individu x berani nak tegur orang x kenali secara terus cam saya ni, cemana nak baut untuk bantu masyarakat kita jadi lebih bertimbang rasa? Malu tau jadi sebahagian dari masyarakat x bertimbang rasa camni. Kalau satu2 bangsa tu ramai sangat orang bodoh, atau sombong sangat, xlama la bertahan.

Nak hidup aman jangan harapkan orang lain je buat baik, diri sendiri pun kena la jadi baik. Saya pun xla baik mana, tau la sikit2 perbuatan menyusahkan orang tu cemana.Tolonglah didik anak2 kita.

"Agar generasi kita di mana hadapan bangga dengan apa yang kita wariskan.."

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