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Sabtu, 30 Ogos 2014

Note #65: How To Buy from CDJapan- Step by step guide

In the name of Allah

As promised, i am going to write a step by step guide for people who wants to buy items from cdj (by debit/credit card). I advise those who want to buy from cdj to carefully read the T&C, return policies, and compatibility for electronics before you buy the items.

Seperti yang dijanjikan, saya sediakanbantuan langkah demi langkah untuk anda membeli-belah di cdjapan (menggunakan kad debit/kredit). Apepun, sebelum membeli tu, kena baca dulu terma dan syarat, polisi pemulangan barang, dan kesesuaian barang-barang jika anda membeli barang elektronik. 

1_General CDJapan

Click on the cdj banner above to browse the web, set up your customer account. They'll ask you to add card you will use for payment, credit/debit card. Just put one
Klik banner cdj kat atas untuk ke web cdj, daftar akaun pengguna anda kat situ akan ada part yang anda kena letak maklumat kad debit/kredit yang akan digunakan untuk pembayaran.

1. After you got you item of interest, click on it, for example, it'll looks like this:
    Dah jumpa barang yang nak beli tu, klik, pastu benda camni akan keluar, contoh:

Checked on the price, change the currency to yours, mine here is in MYR. Then clicked on the red button 'Add to Cart'. 
Cek harga dalam matawang masing2, contohnya sy bagi dalam RM lah. Pastu klik butang merah 'Add to Cart'.

2. Then, this will appear:
     Pastu,yang ni keluar:

 If you wish to buy more items, just look for it and add to cart. If not, just click on the red button 'View Cart'.
Kalau ade lagi barang lain nak beli, cari dulu, tekan 'add to cart' lagi, pastu boleh la 'View Cart' bila dah siap. Kalau beli satu barang tu je, klik terus view cart. 

3. After view cart, you will see this:
    Lepas tekan view cart, benda ni pulak keluar: 

This is your cart.You can see the item. If you wish to buy the item more than one, you can add the quantity, or can reduce the quantity. 
Ini cart nye. Kat sini boleh tengok barang yang korang nak beli tu. Kalo rasa nak beli lebih dari satu boleh tekan butang tambah tu, boleh kurangkan jugak.

4. Calculating the price+shipping charge:
      Kira harga termasuk kos pos.

Click the drop down menu, and choose your country. Then click calculate.
Klik menu 'drop down', pilih negara anda. Kemudian, klik 'calculate'.

You can see lists of shipping method provided and the price respectively.
Kat sini ada jadual untuk beberapa cara penghantaran dan harga setiap satu. 
*In my case, i usually use airmail or SAL. Airmail costs a bit higher than SAL, i received my parcel in 7 days after they shipped out. As for SAL, it will take longer. mine took 25 days starting from the shiping date, June 16th - July 10th. 

After that, clicked back, go to the previous page and click 'Proceeed to Checkout'

Kat sini boleh tengok senarai pilihan penghantaran dengan harga sekali. Saya pernah guna Airmail dan SAL je. Airmail cepat, dalam masa 7 hari lepas pos, saya dah terima. SAL pula, sampai cecah 25 hari bermula hari dipos. Tentulah Airmail lagi mahal dari SAL.
Lepas tu, klik 'Proceed to checkout'.

5. They'll ask you to log in into your account again, for security purpose i believe.              Click 'Sign in'.
     Log in ke akaun anda semula. 

Here are the order summary, make sure the item, amount, and price are correct. Cdj offers point redemption for purchase. As you sign up your account, you will have 300 points. Click on the 'Redeem points' button if you wish to redeem. 1 point = 1 yen. 

Ringkasan pembelian. Pastikan barang yang dibeli, harga dan bilangan betul seperti yang korang nak. Bila korang mendaftar akaun cdj ni, korang akan dapat 300 points secara otomatik. Nilai 1 poin = 1 yen. Jadi boleh klik butang redeem points tu kalau nak guna. 

Below the 'redeem points' button, you can see the points you're going to get after the purchase and available once the item you bought been shipped out. 
Sebelah bawah butang redeem point tu ade tunjuk point yang korang akan dapat lepas beli barang ni. Lagi banyak korang beli lg banyak point korang akan dapat. Dapat tu lepas barang dipos. 

If you click the redeem button. This will come out. Type in how much you want to redeem from your available points. Also can use all of it. Then click 'apply', you'll be brought to the previous page.
Bila tekan butang redeem point tu, yang ni keluar, boleh tulis nak redeem brp banyak. Tekan butang 'apply' pastu page sebelum ni akn muncul balik.

Make sure your shipping address is correct, shipping method you want to use, and the payment method. You can always alter these information to correct it by clicking the edit button on the right side. After making sure all are ok, click 'continue' button. 
Cek dan pastikan alamat, cara penghantaran, dan cara bayaran yang korang nak tu betul. Ade nak betulkan ape, boleh je tekan butang edit kat belah kanan tu. Dah betul semua info tu, klik butang 'continue'

6. Debit/credit card information:
    Maklumat kad debit/kredit: 

Here, you have to pick your card. If you already put in your credit/debit card info, It'll be shown here. If you put more than one card, choose the one you wish to use. If you havent provide you card, click on the yellow button, 'add new credit card'. I usually use maybank card or cimb card, both are debit card. Then click 'place order' button. 
Kat sini pulak,korang kene pilih kad yang korang nak guna untuk bayar. Kredit/debit kad la.Kalau masa register korang ade dah letak info kad, dia akn ade kat sini. Kalo x boleh tekan butang 'add new credit card' yang warna kuning tu. Saya guna debit card maybank/cimb. Klik 'place order'. 

This page will appear, showing you the flow of payment process. Click 'continue'. After that, a pop up window/new tab will appear for you to access to you bank. Follow the instruction, they'll show you the amount to pay in yen, and expect they'll charge you few ringgits more. 
Bila nampak page ni, dia ade tunjuk flow untuk bayaran. Tekan 'continue, pastu ade pop up window atau new tab yang bawak korang untuk masuk ke korang nye bank. Ikut ja arahan. Dia tunjuk harga perlu bayar dalam matawang yen, agak2 dalam beberapa ringgit lebih la dia charge nanti, sbb kita x sure rate bank kan.

7. Completion

After your transaction completed, they'll show you this:
Lepas transaksi bank berjaya, benda ni muncul

Look at the credit card status. If you are using it for the first time, you might have to make a call to your bank to approve it. Oh, and they'll will charge you 2-3 ringgit for activation if not mistaken.
Tengok status kad. Kalau pertama kali guna, and status ckp tgh tunggu approval ke ape, nanti kene call operator bank la tanye cemana nak aktifkan. Sesetengah tu akan ade cas pengaktifan. 

By this time, you will received a confirmation email. Check your email. 
Hopefully this guide is helpful. Advance apology for confusion and please tell me if there're any. I'll fix. Have a confident shopping with cdj!  

=) kuroneko

1 ulasan:

thulannguyen berkata...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.