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Khamis, 27 Februari 2014

Note #48: First Day Back to Work

In the name of Allah.

First day back to work(part time of course) was weird. There are too non familiar faces there. I was stationed as volunteer alone, and there are 2 other facilitators which are expected to come for few moments only. Let's rewind this a little. I checked in to work, take the access pass from the pb, went to my locker, and attend morning roll call after change to my new uniform. Only after i was assigned to the station, i went for breakfast and realize i lost my pass. The pass worth MYR80 if u ever loss it. n i look for the guy who was there with me when i was busy stuffing my things into the locker. Luckily he's easily found n told me he found one and give to back to pb. I went and collect it. fuh

Since i was stationed alone. I am the one who supposed to grab the walkie talkie with me. I forgot. I also forgot about how to report the total number of facilitation done. Supposed, i must present is according to the subsection. But i just recalled the total number. Eventually i gave up n let my faci report it. =p

I'm totally out of it. Forgot my work routine. I left for about 2 months. I easily forgot nowadays. Maybe bcs of too much sleep. 

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