In the Name of Allah
#Ade versi bahasa melayu kat bawah ni. Bukan diterjemah satu2.
It was my semester holiday, so i went back to my hometown to my parent's house for almost a month. The habit is, every time i'm home, i must bake something. Of course something sweet. If not baking, i'll make some karaage or any japanese-style dishes using meat/chicken (fried of course, i'm in love with the not-so-healthy food). Mom used to scold me whenever i make something not to her taste, but gave up a bit since i'm being persistent. I feel bad.
This time, i tried to bake a roll cake. The first attempt was horrible, severely FAILED. I went on sulking period for one day, thought i really positive that i will sulk for more much longer. But once i eat the failed roll cake, suddenly the familiar taste came to me. It's a deja vu. I've tasted something like this before but couldn't remember what it was. The my aunty who taste the product said, "owh, it taste like *bahulu!!". Then i cracked a laugh, a hard one. I was too amused to care about my sulking. The day after, i decide to buy some more ingredients for roll cake baking attempt no.2.
This time, i tried on other recipe. The ingredient include some cooking oil for the batter. Lucky for me it went well. A bit spoilt bcs the surface of the cake is a bit sticky, and it breaks when i was rolling it (but i rolled it anyway). Perhaps it broke bcs the cake had dried up when i was busy making lemon curd?~
I was so tempted to make a roll cake with lemon curd. Unfortunately my lemon curd taste bad. I don't like the smell of butter in my lemon curd. Too strong, and distracting. Overall the second attempt for roll cake is so so. The cake taste delicious, but not with lemon curd. I might wanna do it again in the future. Baking a roll cake is pretty tedious for me(i must be a laughing stock with this statement).
*bahulu= famous traditional cake in malaysia made by eggs, flour and sugar. deliwcious! google it then u can see how it looks like.
Citer dia, saya ni tiap kali balik rumah masa cuti sem pasti nak membakar kek, buat ape2 makanan manis. Xdelah rajin sangat. Tapi teringin nak buat sendiri. Mula2 tu buat la dulu kek mentega yg mak suka. Ambik hati dia sebelum jalankan projek sendiri. Hajat di hati nak buat kek gulung.
Maka percubaan pertama dilakukan. Resepi senang sangat2. Tapi hasilnya teruk. xde rupa kek langsung. Tapi masih boleh dimakan. Cemana tuh, bayangkan sendiri lah. Merajuk la dulu sebelum makan. Mencuka muka kot. Saya cubalah makan sambil merajuk tu. Rasa macam pernah makan rasa ni. Skali makcik saya cakap rasa bahulu laa.. Ahahaha, tergelak jugak kat situ. Apadiaa bakar kek gulung tetiba jadi bahulu. Saya ni genius ke cemana ni. Org yang menang hadiah nobel tu pun ade dari eksperimen x jadi tau. Dalam hati gebanng 'aku ni genius ni'.
Pastu terlupa kes merajuk, esooknya beli lah bahan2 lagi untuk cuba kali kedua. Kali kedua gua resipi lain. Pendek citer, keknya menjadi, berangan nak sapu lemon curd kat kek tu. Usahakan la buat jgk tgh2 malam tu. Ade rupa, tapi rasa xsedap. huh, rasa mentega kuat sangat. Kiranya, kek gulung tu xla menjadi sgt, masa gulung pun ade patah2 sana sini tu. Tapi xde hal, saya gulungkan juga. Simpan dalam peti, makan esoknya. Tahan je la bau mentega dlm lemon curd tu. T_T
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